Kenny Washington Discography

At the Main Event

Brian Lynch At the Main Event

Brian Lynch Quintet/Sextet

Recorded December 29, 1991
at Sear Sound, NYC

Criss Cross CRISS 1070

Brian Lynch (tp)
Ralph Moore (ts)
Melvin Rhyne (org)
Peter Bernstein (g)
Kenny Washington (ds)
Jose Alexis Diaz (perc)

  1. Dance the Way U Want To (Br. Lynch)
  2. At the Main Event (Br. Lynch)
  3. Blues for Woody and Khalid (Br. Lynch)
  4. Cry Me a River (A. Hamilton)
  5. Nite 'Vidual (M. Rhyne)
  6. Ecaroh (H. Silver)
  7. Nite 'Vidual (M. Rhyne)

Kenny Washington Discography
inserted by FC2 system